Close To The Sun [download Code In A Box]

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Close To The Sun [download Code In A Box] description:

Please Note you will receive a physical box in the post with download code inside – UK Nintendo Account required to downloadIt’s 1897. Deep in international waters, the Helios stands still. An unbound utopia for scientific research, born of Nikola Tesla’s vision. Journalist Rose Archer steps aboard in search of her sister Ada, quickly to discover not all is as it seems. Grand halls stand empty. The stench of rotting flesh lingers in the air. Silence. A single word is painted across the entrance… QUARANTINE!Features – Close to the Sun is a first-person story- driven horror gameSet in an alternative 19th century, dramatically changed by a second age of scientific enlightenment fueled by TeslaPlay as Rose, a young journalist who steps aboard the Helios after receiving a mysterious message from her sisterExplore a world rich in Easter eggs and environmental story telling, including a museum featuring some of Tesla’s real inventions

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Close To The Sun [download Code In A Box] is popular in Nintendo > Switch Games

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Close To The Sun [download Code In A Box]
Close To The Sun [download Code In A Box]

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