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12in 22 Pin Sata Power And Data Extension Cable description:
This 12-inch, 22-Pin SATA22PEXT SATA Power and Data Extension Cable enables you to extend the reach between internal SATA power and data connections and a SATA hard drive by up to 1 feet. The extension simplifies drive installation by overcoming typical connection limitations, and it reduces the risk of damage to the drive or motherboard SATA connectors by eliminating the need to strain or stretch the cable in order to make the necessary data connection. Extend the reach of your SATA hard drive connection by up to 1 feet. Eliminates the need to bend or strain the cable to account for a lack of space. Backed by a StarTech lifetime warranty. Creates flexibility when building or upgrading systems. Extend backplane Adaptor connections. Extend Drive Dock connections.
Get gaming YO!!
12in 22 Pin Sata Power And Data Extension Cable is popular in PC > Hardware
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